07.14.22Newlight and Long Ridge Sign Agreement to Build Aircarbon Production Facility in Ohio Newlight Technologies, Inc. ("Newlight") and Long Ridge Energy Terminal ("Long Ridge"), which is jointly owned by a subsidiary of Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC (NASDAQ: FTAI) and an affiliate managed by GCM Grosvenor (NASDAQ: GCMG), today announced that the parties and their related entities have entered into various agreements providing for the construction and operation of a new facility in Ohio, Aircarbon-Ohio, to produce Aircarbon, a naturally-occurring molecule called PHB that replaces plastic but is carbon-negative and biologically degrades in natural environments.
04.25.22Utica Gas Power Plant on Ohio River Uses Hydrogen in World First A world-first happened along the banks of the Ohio River in Hannibal (Monroe County), OH in March. The Long Ridge Energy Terminal, host to a Utica shale gas-fired power plant that went online last November, successfully added a 5% mixture of hydrogen to the natural gas it burns in March. The plant is now using and continuing to experiment with up to 20% hydrogen as part of the mix it burns through next year. Eventually, the plant’s owners plan to burn 100% hydrogen, crowding out Utica Shale gas (a shame).
04.23.22Hydrogen blend plant demo held in Hannibal HANNIBAL — Long Ridge Energy Terminal is taking the initial step toward providing cleaner power to the region with the first power plant in the United States to burn fuel partially composed of hydrogen.
04.23.22Hydrogen blend plant demo held in Hannibal HANNIBAL — Long Ridge Energy Terminal is taking the initial step toward providing cleaner power to the region with the first power plant in the United States to burn fuel partially composed of hydrogen.
04.22.22Long Ridge Energy Terminal and GE Commission & Demonstrate First Advanced Class Hydrogen-Burning Power Plant Worldwide Using GE HA Gas Turbine HANNIBAL, OH --GE (NYSE: GE) and Long Ridge Energy Terminal ("Long Ridge"), a subsidiary unit of Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC (NYSE: FTAI) and an affiliate managed by GCM Grosvenor (NASDAQ: GCMG), announced a successful first step to transition Long Ridge's power plant toward carbon-free hydrogen: following the start of commercial operation achieved in October 2021, the plant conducted a successful demonstration using a hydrogen-blended fuel in GE's HA gas turbine at Long Ridge's 485 MW combined-cycle power plant located in Hannibal, Ohio. The hydrogen blending test was completed on March 30, 2022 at the facility using hydrogen produced as by-product from a nearby industrial facility.
01.29.20Long Ridge Energy Terminal to Develop 300+ Megawatt Data Center Campus HANNIBAL, OH (PRWEB) January 29, 2020 -- Long Ridge Energy Terminal, located on 1,600 acres in Hannibal, Ohio announced today its plans to develop a 125-acre data center campus in conjunction with its on-site 485 MW combined cycle power plant currently under construction.